Acme No. 216
Exalted Ruler - James Northcott
Ph. (403) 546-4330 (Res)
(403) 700-3465 (Cell)
Secretary - Douglas Miller
Ph. (403) 546-2472 (Res)
(403) 650-6086 (Cell)
Meet: Last Tuesday, 7:30pm (excluding July & August)
Acme Community Centre, 139 Allison Ave, Acme, AB, T0M 0A0 - Ph. (403) 546-3776 - *(I 1929)
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Acme Royal
Purple Elks No. 103
HRL - Carol Metzger
Ph. (403) 546-2682 (Res)
Secretary - Wanda Gorr
Ph. (403) 988-4201 (Res)
Meet: 3rd Monday, 7:30 pm
Acme Community Centre, 139 Allison Ave, Acme, AB, T0M 0A0 - *(I RP 1947/Elks 2014)
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Barons No. 224
Exalted Ruler - David Bishop
Ph. (403) 757-2424 (Res)
Secretary - Pete VanKasteren
Ph. (403) 915-6595 (Res)
Meet: 1st Tuesday, 8:00pm
Barons Community Hall, Noble St, Barons, AB, T0L 0G0 - *(I 1929)
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Barrhead No. 332
Exalted Ruler - Jim Birnie
Ph. (780) 674-5364 (Res)
Secretary - John Gertz
Ph. (780) 674-6170 (Res)
Meet: 3rd Tuesday, 7:00pm
Seniors Drop In Centre, 5437-49 St, Barrhead, AB, T7N 1A1 - *(I 1950)
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Bashaw No. 175
Exalted Ruler - Darren Pearson
Ph. (780) 608-9861 (Cell)
Secretary - Richard Cockshott
Ph. (780) 372-2279 (Res)
Meet: 1st Wednesday, 8:00pm dinner/meeting (September to June)
Bashaw Community Centre, 5202-52 Ave., Bashaw, AB, T0B 0H0 - *(I 1927)
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Bassano No. 487
Exalted Ruler - Brad Biette
Ph. (403) 501-8323 (Cell)
Secretary - Ashley Armstrong
Ph. (403) 363-7563 (Cell)
Meet: 1st & 3rd Thursday, 8:00pm (excluding July & August)
Bassano Elks Hall, 338-2nd Ave, Bassano, AB T0J 0B0 - Ph. (403) 641-3789 - *(I 1964)
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Beaverlodge No. 249
Exalted Ruler - Alan Walker
Ph. (780) 354-2931
Secretary - Ernie Beart
Ph. (780) 512-4453 (Res)
Meet: 1st Wednesday, 8:00pm (excluding July & August)
Beaverlodge Townhall Recreation Centre, 1016-4th Ave Lower level, Beaverlodge, AB, T0H 0C0 - *(I 1934)
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Big Valley No. 147
Exalted Ruler - David Webster
Ph. (403) 740-5177
Secretary - Greg Mappin
Ph. (403) 740-351
Meet: 4th Tuesday, 7:00pm
Big Valley Legion Hall, Main St, Big Valley, AB, T0J 0G0 - *(I 1926)
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Bow Island No. 440
Exalted Ruler - Wade Gyorfi
Ph. (403) 580-7905 (Res)
Secretary - Brett Wozniak
Ph. (403) 545-2010 (Res)
Meet: 2nd & 4th Tuesday, 8:30pm
Upstairs Legion Hall, 202-5th Ave E, Bow Island, AB - Ph. (403) 545-2102 - *(I 1959)
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Breton No. 402
Exalted Ruler - Ann McKellar-Gillis
Ph. (867) 444-9202
Secretary - Allan Smith
Ph. (780) 514-9550 (Res)
Meet: 3rd Thursday, 7:30 pm
Breton Community Centre, Breton, AB. T0C 0P0 - *(I 1956)
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Breton Royal Purple Elks No. 285
HRL - Arla Lennox
Ph. (780) 514-6703 (Res)
Secretary - Diane Wilson
Ph. (780) 514-4273 (Res)
Meet: 3rd Monday (excluding July & August) 7:30 pm
Breton Community Hall, Breton, AB T0C 0P0 - *(I RP 1963/ ELks 2014)
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Brooks No. 77
Exalted Ruler - Coltan Bosman
Ph. (403) 501-1276 (Cell)
Secretary - Duane Romuld
Ph. (403) 501-4708 (Cell)
Meet: 2nd & 4th Monday, 7:30 pm (except July & August)
Masonic Hall, 531-3rd Ave W, Brooks, AB - *(I 1927)
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Camrose No. 70
Exalted Ruler -Jason Silbernagel
Ph. (780) 335-1354 (Res)
Secretary - Leo Blum
Ph. (780) 678-9003 (Cell)
Meet: 2nd Monday, 8:00pm
Camrose Elks Hall, 4702-50th Ave, Camrose, AB, T4V 0R8 - Ph. (780) 672-7436 - *(I 1924)
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Carstairs No. 556
Exalted Ruler - Tim Jochems
Ph. (403) 863-6036
Secretary - Robert Pittman
Ph. (403) 888-3643
Meet: 2nd Wednesday, 7:30pm
Carstairs Community Hall, 1100 Lackner Way, Carstairs, AB, T0M 0N0 - *(I 1975)
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Castor No. 138
Exalted Ruler - Arjan Van Hienen
Ph. (403) 740-9142 (Res)
Secretary - Jacqueline Baldwin
Ph. (403) 882-2075 (Res)
Meet: 2nd Tuesday, 7:30pm
Castor Legion Hall - 4810-50th Ave, Castor, AB - *(I 1926)
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Chauvin No. 261
Exalted Ruler - Neil Benoit
Ph. (780) 753-7778 (Res)
(780) 858-2212 (Bus)
Secretary - Keith Benoit
Ph. (780) 858-2212 (Res)
Meet: 3rd Monday, 8:00pm (excluding July & August)
Chauvin Legion Hall - *(I 1935)
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Coronation No. 360
Exalted Ruler - Matt Peacock
Ph. (587) 877-1146
Secretary - Jordan Stonehouse
Ph. (403) 575-7009
Meet: Last Thursday (excluding July & August) 6:00 p.m.
Elks Meeting Room, 4909 Railway Ave, Coronation, AB, T0C 1C0 - *(I 1952)
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Crossfield No. 416
Exalted Ruler - Jeremiah Kanderka
Ph. (403) 888-4588 (Res)
Secretary - Stephan Bourque
Ph. (403) 808-8692 (Res)
Meet: 3rd Monday, 8:00pm
Crossfield & District Community Hall, 900 Mountain Ave, Crossfield, AB, T0M 0S0 - Ph. (403) 946-5556 - *(I 1957)
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Crowsnest Pass
No. 584
Exalted Ruler - Craig Duncan
Ph. (403) 563-3984 (Res)
Secretary - Allan Gehman
PO Box 171
Ph. (403) 563-3241 (Res)
Meet: 1st Wednesday, 8:00pm
Blairmore Elks Community Hall, 2025-129th St, Blairmore, AB - *(I 1989)
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Delburne No. 206
Exalted Ruler - Garry Lawrence
Ph. (403) 318-9992 (Res)
Secretary - Roy Jamieson
PO Box 332
Ph. (403) 749-2058 (Res)
(403) 392-7212 (Cell)
Meet: 2nd Monday, 8:00pm (excluding July & August)
Delburne Community Hall, 2030-21st Ave, Delburne, AB, T0M 0V0 - Ph. (403) 749-3812 - *(I 1928)
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Delia No. 489
Exalted Ruler -
Secretary - Carol Sisley
Ph. (403) 821-1048 (Res)
Meet: 3rd Monday, 8:00pm
Delia & District Community Centre, 210 Main St, Delia, AB, T0J 0W0 - Ph. (403) 364-3787 - *(I 1964)
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Didsbury No. 514
Exalted Ruler - Gerry Samoisette
Ph. (587) 568-6838 (Res)
Secretary - Connie Reimer
Ph. (403) 507-0151 (Res)
Meet: 2nd & 4th Thursday, 7:30pm (excluding July & August)
Didsbury Elks Hall, 1914-20th St, Didsbury, AB, T0M 0W0 - Ph. (403) 335-3748 - *(I 1967)
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Drayton Valley
No. 391
Exalted Ruler - Arnold Olson
Ph. (780) 524-5070 (Res)
Secretary - Karen D. Wilhelm
PO Box 6193
Ph. (780) 723-1938 (Res)
(780) 712-5382 (Fax)
Meet: 3rd Tuesday, 7:30pm (excluding December, June, July and August)
Seniors Drop-In Centre, 5140-52 Ave, Drayton Valley, AB, T7A 1R7 - *(I 1955)
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Eaglesham Royal Purple Elks No. 318
HRL - Cindy Trudel
Ph. (780) 380-4991
Secretary - Kylie-Ann Vandeligt
Ph. (587) 647-0400
Meet: 2nd Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.
Eaglesham Senior Centre, 5113-50 St, Eaglesham, AB, T0H 1H0 - *(I 1968/Elks 2014)
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Edmonton No. 11
Exalted Ruler - Lyle Ozouf
Ph. (780) 850-3294 (Cell)
Secretary - Bev Monette
Ph. (780) 455-3496 (Res)
(780) 264-1995 (Cell)
Meet: 4th Tuesday, 7:00 pm (except July & August)
Delton Community League, 12325-88 St, Edmonton, AB, Ph. (780) 455-3496 - *(I 1914)
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Edmonton Royal Purple Elks No. 22
HRL - Lyle Wirsta
Ph. (780) 520-2445 (Res)
Secretary - Bev Monette
Ph. (780) 455-3496 (Res)
(780) 264-1995 (Cell)
Meet: 1st Saturday, 10:00 am
Edmonton Elks Lodge, 11823-129th Ave NW, Edmonton, AB, T5E 0N1 - Ph. (780) 454-4918 - *(I 1927/Elks 2014)
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Edson No. 87
Exalted Ruler - Elaine Weisser
Ph. (780) 723-4023 (Res)
Secretary - Claudette Romaniuk
Ph. (780) 728-6221 (Res)
Meet: 2nd Tuesday, 7:30 pm
Edson Lions Hall - 4016-4th Ave, Edson, AB, T7E 1B8 - Ph. (780) 723-6113 - *(I 1924)
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Elk Point No. 460
Exalted Ruler - Geoff Hoyle
Ph. (780) 724-3378 (Res)
Secretary - Don Pilisko
Ph. (780) 724-2281(Res)
Meet: 1st Tuesday, 7:00pm (excluding July & August)
Elk Point Elks Lodge Room, 4906-51st St, Elk Point, AB, T0A 1A0 - *(I 1961)
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Entwistle No. 374
Exalted Ruler - Roy Catt
Ph. (780) 727-2297 (Res)
Secretary - Roy Catt
Ph. (780) 727-2297 (Res)
Meet: 3rd Thursday, 7:00pm
Pembina Pioneer Haven, 52123 HWY 22, Evansburg, AB, T0E 0T0 - Ph. (780) 727-3537 - *(I 1953)
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Fort Macleod No. 129
Exalted Ruler - Hank Van Hierden
Ph. (403) 929-1734 (Res)
Secretary - Tyler Broderson
Ph. (403) 382-8827 (Cell)
(403) 328-9191 (Bus)
Meet: 3rd Monday, 7:00pm
Fort McLeod District Community Hall, Fort Macleod, AB, T0L 0Z0 - Ph. (403) 553-3511 - *(I 1926)
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Fort Saskatchewan No. 399
Exalted Ruler - William St. Thomas
Ph. (780) 998-5587
Secretary - Al Gummesen
Ph. (780) 998-9380 (Res)
(780) 984-5795 (Cell)
Meet: 3rd Tuesday, 7:00pm (excluding July & August)
Local 530A Union Hall, 8301-113 St, Fort Saskatchewan, AB - *(I 1955)
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Grande Prairie No. 285
Exalted Ruler - Randy Nelson
Ph. (780) 831-8999 (Res)
Secretary - Gerry Burgess
Ph. (780) 831-0017 (Res)
Meet: 1st Thursday, 7:30 pm (excluding July & August)
Elks Hall, 10806-106 St, Grande Prairie, AB, T8V 3R5 - Ph. (780) 532-2548 - *(I 1940)
Lodge mailing address is Box 843 Grande Prairie, AB T8V 3R5
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Gwendale No. 579
Exalted Ruler - Jean-Guy Hetu
Ph. (403) 559-7043 (Res)
Secretary - Troy Conway
Ph. (403) 588-8815 (Res)
Meet: 3rd Thursday, 7:30pm
RR1, Gwendale Community Hall, Innisfail, AB - *(I 1985)
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Hairy Hill No. 304
Exalted Ruler - Soren Odegard
Ph. (780) 632-8745 (Res)
(780) 657-3358 (Cell)
Secretary - Walter G. Eliuk
Ph. (780) 768-3755 (Res)
(780) 603-1342 (Cell)
Meet: 1st Wednesday, 8:00pm
Hair Hill Commuity Hall, Hairy Hill, AB - Ph. (780) 7683933 - *(I 1947)
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Halkirk No. 361
Exalted Ruler - Rae-Anne Smith
Ph. (403) 740-3215 (Res)
Secretary - Kyla Arden
Ph. (403) (Res)
Meet: 1st Tuesday, 7:30 pm
Community Hall, Main St, Halkirk, AB, T0C 1M0 - *(I 1952)
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Hanna No. 451
Exalted Ruler - Gordon Thuroo
Ph. (403) 779-2458 (Res)
Secretary - Vernon Thuroo
Ph. (403) 854-5853 (Res)
(403) 820-0650 (Cell)
Meet: 3rd Wednesday, 7:00 pm (excluding July & August)
Hanna Community Centre, 503-5th Ave W, Hanna, AB, T0J 1P0 - *(I 1960)
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Hardisty No. 167
Exalted Ruler - Kevin O'Grady
Ph. (780) 888-3980 (Res)
Secretary - Ronald Mazure
Ph. (780) 888-3923 (Res)
Meet: 1st Wednesday, 8:00pm (excluding August & September)
Elks Hall, Railway Ave, Hardisty, AB, T0B 1V0 - Ph. (780) 888-3970 - *(I 1927)
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Heisler No. 305
Exalted Ruler - Claude Fell
Ph. (780) 889-3711 (Res)
Secretary - Rob Dingreville
Ph. (780) 889-2372 (Res)
Meet: 1st & 3rd Thursday, 8:30pm
Heisler Cultural Centre, Heisler, AB, T0B 2A0 - Ph. (780) 889-3994 - *(I 1947)
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High Prairie No. 279
Exalted Ruler - John Vandenberg
Ph. (780) 523-7904 (Res)
Secretary - Larry Greer
Ph. (780) 523-4237(Res)
Meet: 2nd Tuesday, 7:30 pm (September to June)
Elks Hall, 5211-49th St, High Prairie, AB, T0G 1E0 - Ph. (780) 523-3724 - *(I 1937)
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High Prairie Royal Purple Elks No. 59
HRL - Linda Vandenburg
Ph. (780) 5366272 (Cell)
Secretary - Corilee Burgar
Ph. (780) 523-8649 (Cell)
Meet: 2nd Tuesday, 7:30 pm
Elks Hall - 5211-49th St, High Prairie, AB, T0G 1E0 - *(I 1942/Elks 2014)
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Meet: 1st Tuesday, 8:00pm
Hythe Community Centre, Hythe, AB, T0H 2C0 - *(I 1930)
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Hythe Royal Purple Elks No. 106
HRL - Shirley Preuss
Ph. (780) 632-9648
Secretary - Greg Gayton
Ph. (780) 402-1864 (Cell)
Meet: 3rd Wednesday, 7:00pm
Hythe Community Centre, Hythe, AB, T0H 2C0 - *(I 1952/Elks 2014)
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Irma No. 366
Exalted Ruler - Dallon Prior
Ph. (780) 336-6161 (Res)
Secretary - William McBurney
Ph. (780) 754-2138 (Res)
Meet: 1st Thursday, 8:00pm
Irma Community Hall, 4914-50th St, Irma, AB, T0B 2H0 - Ph. (780) 754-3839 - *(I 1952)
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Lac La Biche No. 470
Exalted Ruler - Danny Stevens
Ph. (780) 623-2863 (Res)
Secretary - Greg Beatch
Ph. (780) 623-7419 (Res)
(780) 623-1100 (Bus)
Meet: 4th Wednesday, 8:00pm
Elks Hall, 10215-102 Ave., Lac La Biche, AB, T0A 2C0 - *(I 1962)
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Leduc No. 156
Exalted Ruler - Kevin Sagert
Ph. (780) 908-1418 (Res)
Secretary - Harvey Hull
Ph. (780) 986-4314 (Res)
(780) 910-7077 (Cell)
Meet: 2nd Monday, 8:00pm
Leduc Heritage Centre, 4611-44 St, Leduc, AB, T9E 6R4 - *(I 1927)
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Leslieville No. 351
Exalted Ruler - Myles Wasik
Ph. (403) 895-3792
Secretary - David Valentine
Ph. (403) 391-4240 (Cell)
Meet: 1st Wednesday, 8:00pm (excluding July & August)
Leslieville Elks Hall, Leslieville, AB - *(I 1951)
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Lloydminster No. 171
Exalted Ruler - Lyle Rooks
Ph. (780) 808-2122 (Res)
Secretary - Gord Roebuck
Ph. (780) 875-9081 (Res)
(780) 872-0142 (Cell)
Meet: 2nd & 4th Monday, 8:30pm
Lloydminster Elks Hall, 5622-50th Ave, Lloydminster, AB, T9V 1C2 - Ph. (780) 875-3601 - *(I 1927)
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Mannville No. 395
Exalted Ruler - Jim Storch
Ph. (780) 581-0952 (Res)
Secretary - Danny Rau
Ph. (780) 259-0134 (Cell)
Meet: 3rd Tuesday, 8:00pm
Elks Hall, 5012-49th St, Mannville, AB, T0B 2W0 - *(I 1955)
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Mannville Royal Purple Elks No. 205
HRL - Edna Myhovich
Ph. (780) 763-3659 (Res)
Secretary - Edna Myhovich
Ph. (780) 763-3659 (Res)
(780) 861-0234 (Cell)
Meet: 4th Monday, 7:30 pm
Elks Hall, 5012-49th St, Mannville, AB, T0B 2W0 - *(I 1955/Elks 2015)
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McLennan Royal Purple Elks No. 62
HRL - Faye Rever
Ph. 780-219-0247
Secretary - Yvonne Sawchyn
Ph. 780-518-2719
Meet: 3rd Tuesday of every month, 7:00 pm
Elks Hall, 209 Centre St, McLennan, AB, T0H 2L0 - *(I 1924/Elks 2014)
Lodge Email:
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Medicine Hat No. 412
Exalted Ruler -Dave Carlson
Ph. (403) 580-1313
Secretary - Don Burfitt
Ph. (403) 594-2650
Meet: 2nd Thursday, 6:30pm
Elks Lodge, 305-3rd St NW, Medicine Hat, AB, T1A 6L1 - Ph. (403) 527-2344 - *(I 1956)
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Okotoks No. 31
Exalted Ruler - Don Deakin
Ph. (403) 617-4355 (Res)
Secretary - Rose Marie Litwin
Ph. (403) 332-3377
Meet: 1st Thursday, 7:00 pm
Elks Hall, 62 Elizabeth St, Okotoks, AB, T1S 1A4 - Ph. (403) 938-4969 - *(I 1927)
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Olds No. 100
Exalted Ruler - Jason McBeath
Ph. (403) 507-6340 (Res)
Secretary - Shelly deVries
Ph. (403) 332-0775 (Res)
Meet: 3rd Tuesday, 7:30 pm
Elks Hall, 5113-49th Ave, Olds, AB, T4H 1E7 - Ph. (403) 556-8848 - *(I 1924)
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Picture Butte No. 268
Exalted Ruler - Jason Medve
Ph. (403) 732-4392 (Res)
(403) 394-4741 (Cell)
Secretary - Mike Reurink
Ph. (403) (Res)
(403) (Cell)
Meet: 2nd & 4th Monday, 8:00pm
Picture Butte Elks Hall, 112-4th St S, Picture Butte, AB, T0K 1V0 - *(I 1936)
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Pincher Creek No. 474
Exalted Ruler - Les Ostby
Ph. (403) 627-2622 (Res)
(403) 627-8043 (Cell)
Secretary - Edith Clark
Ph. (403) 627-8124 (Cell)
Meet: 1st & 3rd Thursday, 8:00pm (excluding July & August)
Pincher Creek Elks Hall, 1047 Bev McLachlin Dr, Pincher Creek, AB, T0K 1W0 - *(I 1962)
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Ponoka Elks No. 561
Exalted Ruler - Norm Hinkley
Secretary - Dennis Reid
Ph. (403) 783-2352 (Res)
(403) 350-7476 (Bus)
Meet: 2nd Thursday, 7:30pm
Elks Hall, 5901 Hwy 2A, Ponoka, AB, T4J 1R7 - Ph. (403) 783-4353 - *(I 1976)
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Red Deer No. 85
Exalted Ruler - Gerard Hermary
Ph. (867) 633-4942
Secretary - Nick Henger
Ph. (403) 347-3184 (Res)
(403) 877-0429 (Cell)
Meet: 2nd Monday, 7:30pm (excluding July & August)
Red Deer Elks Hall, 1A-6315 Horn St, Red Deer, AB, T4N 5Y6 - Ph. (403) 346-3632 - *(I 1924)
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Rosalind No. 209
Exalted Ruler - Doug Yuha
Ph. (780) 375-2151 (Res)
Secretary - Charlie Gould
Ph. (780) 375-3960 (Res)
Meet: 3rd Monday, 8:00pm
Rosalind Elks Community Hall, Main St & Railway Ave, Rosalind, AB, T0B 3Y0 - *(I 1928)
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Round Hill No. 71
Exalted Ruler - Allan Hayduk
Ph. (780) 608-9483 (Res)
Secretary - Don Bowal
Ph. (780) 672-6719 (Res)
(780) 679-5702 (Cell)
Meet: 1st Monday, 8:00pm
Round Hill Community Hall, Round Hill, AB, T0B 3Z0 - *(I 1944)
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Sexsmith No. 284
Exalted Ruler - Jason Anderson
Ph. (780) 568-3063 (Res)
(780) 814-9230 (Cell)
Secretary - Craig Swanson
Ph. (780) 402-5549 (Res)
Meet: 4th Tuesday, 7:30pm
Sexsmith Civic Centre, 9917-99th Ave, Sexsmith, AB, T0H 3C0 - Ph. (780) 568-3868 - *(I 1940
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Sherwood Park No. 481
Exalted Ruler - Diana Worsley
Ph. (780) 231-4612 (Cell)
Secretary - Barbara Shain
Ph. (780) 242-1609 (Cell)
Meet: 2nd Tuesday, 7:00pm
Chamber of Commerce 100 Ordze, Ave Sherwood Park
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Slave Lake No. 379
Exalted Ruler - Ryan Burton
Ph. (780) 805-0643
Secretary - Kim Burton
Ph. (780) 849-6258 (Res)
(780) 849-8985 (Cell)
Meet: 2nd Tuesday, 7:00pm
Slave Lake Elks Hall, 400-6h Ave NE, Slave Lake, AB, T0G 2A2 - *(I 1953)
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St. Albert No. 585
President - Ralph C. Shockey
Ph. (780) 232-3853 (Cell)
Secretary - Annie Arcega
Ph. (780) 729-2048
Meet: 3rd Monday, 7:00 pm
St. Albert Hall. 31A Rowland Cres, St. Albert, AB Ph. (780) 232-3853 - *(I 1990)
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St. Paul No. 465
Exalted Ruler - James A. Turton
Ph. (780) 645-1170 (Res)
(780) 646-2148 (Bus)
Secretary - Margaret Schumacher
Ph. (780) 614-7675 (Cell)
Meet: 2nd Wednesday, 7:00pm (excluding July & August)
St. Paul Elks Hall, 5005-51st St, St. Paul, AB, T0A 3A0 - Ph. (780) 645-4046 - *(I 1961)
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Stavely No. 112
Exalted Ruler - Jordie Bronson
Ph. (403) 489-9955
Secretary - Wayne Bateman
Ph. (403) 815-9190
Meet: 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 pm (excluding July & August)
Stavely Community Centre, Stavely, AB, T0L 1Z0 - *(I 1925)
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Stavely Royal Purple Elks No. 99
HRL - Rochelle Graham
Ph. (403) 549-0026
Secretary - Florence Husted
Ph. (403) 625-1672 (Res)
Meet: 2nd Wednesday, 7:00 pm
Stavely Community Centre, 5109-52nd St, Stavely, AB, T0L 1Z0 - Ph. (403) 549-3867 - *(I 1947/Elks 2014)
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Stettler No. 92
Exalted Ruler - Neil Morrow
Ph. (403) 742-9715 (Res)
Secretary - Rick Doell
Ph. (403) 742-0911 (Res)
(403) 740-4452 (Bus)
Meet: 2nd Tuesday, 7:30 pm
Stettler Elks Gofl & Country Club, 4701-61st ST, Stettler, AB, T0C 2L1 - *(I 1924)
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Stettler Royal Purple Elks No. 60
HRL - Melody Swaren
Ph. (403) 741-8087
Secretary - Brenda Wintringham
Ph. (403) 740-0075
Meet: 4th Monday, 7:00 pm
Stettler Elks Golf & Country Club, 4701-61st St, Stettler, AB, T0C 2L1 - *(I 1924/Elks 2014)
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Strathmore No. 491
Exalted Ruler - Greg Whitley
Ph. (403) 888-6155 (Res)
Secretary - Tony Giasson
Ph. (403) 870-2818 (Res)
Meet: 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 pm
Strathmore Curling Rink, 180 Brentwood Blvd, Strathmore, AB - *(I 1965)
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Sundre No. 338
Secretary - Carly Kehler
Ph. (403) 638-1511
Exalted Ruler - Paul Ehrenholz
Ph. (780) 817-6553
Meet: 2nd Thursday, 7:00 pm
Sundre Elks Hall, 113-1st Ave SW, Sundre, AB, T0M 1X0 - *(I 1950)
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Three Hills No. 190
Exalted Ruler - Mike Reynolds Sr.
Ph. (403) 443-5002 (Res)
(403) 443-0122 (Cell)
Secretary - Ella Lammle
Ph. (403) 443-7268 (Res)
Meet: 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 pm (September to June)
Three Hills Community Centre, 222 Main St, Three Hills, AB, T0M 2A0
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Trenville No. 324
Exalted Ruler - Louie Higginbottom
Ph. (403) 773-3570 (home)
Secretary - E. Melvin Craig
Ph. (403) 340-9402 (Res)
Meet: 1st Thursday, 8:00 pm
Elnora Community Hall, 421-2nd Ave, Elnora, AB, T0M 0Y0 - *(I 1949)
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Trenville Royal Purple Elks No. 248
HRL - Loretta Fraser
Ph. (403) 442-2398
Secretary - Lynn Williams
Ph. (403) 350-1156 (Res)
Meet: 2nd Thursday, 7:30 pm
Elnora Community Hall, Elnora, AB, T0M 0Y0 - *(I 1960/Elks 2014)
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Trochu No. 168
Exalted Ruler - Paul Frere
Ph. (403) 442-2685 (Res)
Secretary - John Hoppins
Ph. (403) 442-2572 (Res)
Meet: 1st Tuesday, 8:00 pm
Trochu & District Community Centre, 215 Northfield Rd, Trochu, AB, T0M 2C0 - *(I 1927)
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Trochu Royal Purple Elks No. 71
HRL - Barb Mancini
Ph. (403) 442-2545 Res)
Secretary - Jean Frere
Ph. (403) 442-2685 (Res)
(403) 588-3770 (Cell)
Meet: 1st Tuesday, 8:00 pm
Trochu & District Community Centre, 215 Northfield Rd, Trochu, AB, T0M 2C0 - *(I 1943/Elks 2014)
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Valleyview No. 321
Exalted Ruler - Randy Glazier
Ph. (780) 524-7419
Secretary - Mike Irla
Ph. (780) 524-3505 (Res)
Meet: 2nd Monday, 8:00 pm
Club Room, Valleyview Memorial Hall, 4804-50th St, Valleyview, AB, T0H 3N0 - (I 1949)
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Valleyview Royal Purple Elks No. 142
HRL - Evelyn Nicklom
Ph. (780) 524-4179 (Cell)
Secretary - Teresa Plontke
Ph. (780) 524-9351 (Cell)
Meet: 3rd Monday, 7:30pm
Club Room, Valleyview Memorial Hall, 4804-50th St, Valleyview, AB, T0H 3N0 - *(I 1951/Elks 2014)
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Vegreville No. 143
Exalted Ruler - Robert Bennett
Ph. (780) 632-4717 (Res)
Secretary - William Smolak
Ph. (780) 632-2793 (Res)
(780) 632-9971 (Cell)
Meet: 1st Thursday, 7:30pm (excluding July & August)
Elks Hall, 5202-50th St, Vegreville, AB, T9C 1K3 - Ph. (780) 632-2477 - *(I 1926)
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Vermilion No. 131
Exalted Ruler - Greg Young
Ph. (780) 853-4998 (Res)
(780) 853-4700 (Bus)
Secretary - Alan Chase
Ph. (780) 853-6577 (Res)
Meet: 2nd Tuesday, 8:00pm
Vermilion Elks Hall, 5026-49th Ave, Vermilion, AB, T9X 1B7 - *(I 1926)
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Viking No. 83
Exalted Ruler - Garry Brandt
Ph. (780) 336-2633 (Res)
Secretary - Garry Brandt
Ph. (780) 336-2633 (Res)
Meet: 3rd Wednesday, 8:00pm
Viking Elks Hall, 5015-52nd Ave, Viking, AB, T0B 4N0 - *(I 1927)
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Vulcan No. 121
Exalted Ruler - Dennis Machachek
Ph. (403) 485-6093 (Res)
(403) 485-0654 (Cell)
Secretary - Harold Lewis
Ph. (403) 485-6859 (Res)
Meet: 2nd Tuesday, 8:00pm
Vulcan Legion Hall (basement), Vulcan, AB - Ph. (403) 485-2138 - *(I 1925)
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Wainwright No. 22
Exalted Ruler - Bart Hill
Ph. (780) 806-0219 (Res)
Secretary - Chris McLean
Ph. (780) 806-6625 (Res)
(780) 806-9178 (Bus)
Meet: 2nd & 4th Tuesday, 8:00pm
Wainwright Elks Hall, 1401-1st Ave, Wainwright, AB, T9W 1S8 - Ph. (780) 842-3019 - *(I 1927)
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Warner No. 222
Exalted Ruler - Marty Kirby
Ph. (403) 642-2548 (Res)
(403) 647-7714 (Cell)
Secretary - Thomas Neal
Ph. (403) 642-3926 (Res)
(403) 710-6634 (Cell)
Meet: 2nd Thursday, 7:00pm (April to December)
Warner Elks Hall, 210-4th Ave, Warner, AB, T0K 2L0 - Ph. (403) 642-3938 - *(I 1929)
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Warner Royal Purple Elks No. 72
HRL - Leslie Cody
Ph. (403) 647-2142 (Res)
Secretary - Margo Kirby
Ph. (403) 642-2548 (Res)
Meet: 2nd Tuesday
Warner Elks Hall, 210-4th Ave, Warner, AB, T0K 2L0 - *(I 1943/Elks 2014)
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Westlock No. 330
Exalted Ruler - Hugh Thomson
Ph. (780) 349-4801 (Res)
Secretary - Norm Kitz
Ph. (780) 349-3260 (Res)
(780) 307-1157
Meet: 4th Thursday, 7:00 pm
Westlock Memorial Hall, 9903-106th St, Westlock, AB, T7P 2P4 - Ph. (780) 349-6899 - *(I 1950)
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Wetaskiwin No. 91
Exalted Ruler - Eldon Dumkee
Ph. (780) 608-9553 (Res)
Secretary - Henry Effon
Ph. (780) 312-9885 (Cell)
Meet: 1st Thursday, 8:00pm (excluding July & August)
Senior Citizen Drop-In Centre, 5216-54th St, Wetaskiwin, AB, T9A 2X1 - *(I 1924)
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