Corner Brook No. 505
Exalted Ruler - Alfred Ford
Ph. (709) 638-5088 (Res)
Secretary - Robert Perry
Ph. (709) 634-7122 (Res)
Meet: 3rd Monday, 7:30pm
Elks Lodge, 9 Carmen Ave, Corner Brook, NL, A2H 6C3 - Ph. (709) 634-4043 - *(I 1966)
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Gander No. 310
Exalted Ruler - Luc Chouinard
Ph. (709) 651-2013 (Res)
Secretary - Susan Ash
Ph. (709) 256-5659 (Bus)
Meet: 3rd Monday, 7:30pm
Elks Hall, 3 Caldwell St, Gander, NL, A1V 1W5 - Ph. (709) 256-8112 - *(I 1948)
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Grand Falls No. 59
Exalted Ruler - Patsy Murray
Ph. (709) 486-7224
Secretary - Phil Haynes
Ph. (709) 393-0259 (Res)
Meet: 3rd Sunday, 2:00 pm
Grand Falls Elks Hall, 17 Beaumont Ave, Grand Falls, NL, A2A 2J3 - Ph. (709) 489-3639 - *(I 1912)
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Leading Tickles
No. 591
Exalted Ruler - Calvin Martin
Ph. (709) 483-2275 (Res)
Secretary - Rochelle Roswell
Meet: 2nd Tuesday, 8:00pm
Leading Tickles Elks Hall, 8 Park Rd, Leading Tickles, NL A0H 1T0 - Ph. (709) 483-2070 - *(I 1998)
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Meet: 3rd Wednesday, 6:30pm
St. Johns Elks Lodge, 19 Carpasian Rd, St. Johns, NL, A1B 2P9 - Ph. (709) 722-0095 -*(I 1931)
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